Special Offer for AirComp Calculator™ Customers


Help Your Boss or Team Understand the Data

The data you'll receive is thorough, understandable, and comprehensive. Nevertheless, interested parties in your company may have questions.

Dr. Broyhill can be available with the answers you seek.

Company executives, the human resources staff, team members, and you may have additional questions after you receive the AirComp Calculator™ report(s). Dr. Broyhill can be available to answer your questions and help to relate the data to your particular individual or corporate situation.

He can meet you via conference call or Zoom at a mutually agreeable schedule. This individualized and focused time from Dr. Broyhill is aimed at helping all stakeholders in their compensation decision-making.

Dr. Broyhill is available for consulation for $350 per session.

If you want to take advantage of this add-on service, simply place an order by clicking the button below and he'll connect with you to schedule your consultation.